Tuesday – Sunday : February 24 – March 2 |
“We the People” at the IMAX Theater – The documentary film “We the People” opens at The IMAX Theater at World Golf Hall of Fame. This is a story of America’s founding documents and the people who wrote, shaped and tested them. The magnificent buildings, monuments and memorials of Washington DC, archival imagery from America’s great museums and dramatic reenactments of key events come alive through the immortal words of Washington, Madison, Jefferson, Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. This IMAX theater features the largest 3-D screen in the Southeast. Adults $13, Seniors/Students/Military $12, and Children 3-12 $10. Visit the website for show times. One World Golf Place, St. Augustine. 904-940-4123 www.worldgolfimax.com
Journey: 450 Years of the African-American Experience – Journey: 450 Years of the African American Experience covers the long and storied history of African-Americans in St. Augustine. The story of African-Americans begins in St. Augustine with the first Africans both free and slave among founding colonists in 1565. The exhibition is designed for cultural and heritage visitors interested in the full history of America and its beginnings and comprises four themes: Genesis of the African-American Experience; Fortress of Freedom; Breaking the Chains; and Crossroads of Change. Tickets are $5 for adults; $4 for seniors; $3 for youth 7-12; under 7 free. Free admission for military in uniform. Located at the St. Augustine Visitors Information Center, 10 West Castillo Dr., St. Augustine. www.Journey2014.com
El Galeón Tour – Tour a full-sized replica of a 17th century Spanish galleon. Docked at the St. Augustine City Marina, El Galeón Andalucia is an exact replica of the famous galleons that played an important role in the creation and maintenance of the Spanish Empire. Built in Spain, it is similar to the galleon that brought Pedro Menendez to Florida where he founded St. Augustine in 1565. The ship is available for tours beginning at 10 a.m. daily. Admission is $15 for adult; $8 for youth. 111 Avenida Menendez. 904-824-1606
“A Stroll Through Europe” Exhibit – Through February 28, Lost Art Gallery presents an exhibition of paintings of classical European scenes. German painters, including Mohr, Stadimayr and Klaiberg capture the essence of Old-World charm depicting scenes of life in the country, on the hunt and in the tavern. 210 St. George St., St. Augustine. 904-827-9800 www.lostartgallery.com
St. Augustine Art Association 90th Anniversary Exhibition – One of the oldest arts groups in the State of Florida, the St. Augustine Art Association celebrates 90 years of championing the arts in the nation’s oldest city. Newly acquired works from the permanent collection and a “Lost Colony” retrospective are on display through March 2. The gallery is open Tuesday – Saturday noon – 4 p.m. and Sunday 2 – 5 p.m. Admission is free. 22 Marine St. 904-824-2310 www.staaa.org
Gerald Branch Exhibition – Gerald Branch is an accomplished African American artist who works in mixed media to chronicle his experiences as a black man in America. He draws on history and presents historical and emotional works of art that provoke intense involvement. Highly collectible, this artist uses his amazing skills to look more deeply into our past. Exhibition on display through March 4. Admission is free. Open daily 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. Butterfield Garage Art Gallery, 137 King St., St. Augustine. 904-825-4577 www.butterfieldgarage.com
For a complete list of eco/kayak, food, and history tours, and other special tours taking place on Florida’s Historic Coast this week, visit Florida’sHistoricCoast.com/events
Monday: February 24

Coquina Rock at Washington Oaks State Park |
A Coquina Rock Beach Walk – From 9:30 – 11 a.m., explore the second largest outcropping of coquina rock on the Atlantic Coast with a park volunteer at Washington Oaks Gardens State Park. Learn about coquina and discover the inhabitants of the rock, its geological makeup and gain a better understanding of the beach ecosystem. Regular park entrance fee of $5 per vehicle, up to eight people; $4 per vehicle for single occupancy or $2 per person on bicycle applies. 6400 North Oceanshore Blvd., Palm Coast. 386-446-6780 www.floridastateparks.org/washingtonoaks
Monday – Saturday: February 24 – March 1
“The Object Tells a Story: African-American Folk Art from Florida” – Through February 28, the Crisp-Ellert Art Museum new exhibition “The Object Tells a Story: African American Folk Art from Florida” brings together a selection of works by four well-know African-American vernacular artists from Florida: Alynne Harris, Mary Proctor, Ruby C. Williams and Purvis Young. Interspersed throughout the exhibition will be objects lent by members of St. Augustine’s African American community, including paintings, quilts, dolls and ceramics, along with artwork created by students from Ketterlinus and Osceola Elementary Schools during recent workshops with Ruby C. Williams at Fort Mose Historical State Park. The Museum is open Monday – Friday from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. and Saturdays from 12 – 4 p.m. 48 Sevilla St., St. Augustine. 904-826-8530 http://readme.readmedia.com/Crisp-Ellert-Art-Museum-presents-The-Object-Tells-a-Story-African-American-Folk-Art-from-Florida/7557493
Tuesday: February 25
“The Irish Presence in Colonial Florida” – James Cusick, Curator, P.K. Younge Library of Florida History at the University of Florida, will discuss “The Irish Presence in Colonial Florida”. His talk is part of the Historical St. Augustine Research Institute lecture series, “St. Augustine’s Forgotten People.” Admission is free to these lectures held at 7 p.m. in the Flagler Room of Ponce de Leon Hall at Flagler College. 74 King St., St. Augustine 904-829-8481 www.flagler.edu
“An Evening With Acoustic Eidolon” – The Gamble Rogers Folk Festival presents “An Evening With Acoustic Eidolon” — an amazing duo produces incredibly beautiful musical renderings. The performance takes place at 7 p.m. at the St. Augustine Art Association. Advance tickets arer $20 or $25 at the door. 22 Marine St., St. Augustine. www.gamblerogersfest.org
Wednesday: February 26
Farmer’s Arts and Crafts Market – Farmers’ Market located at the ocean-side St. Johns County Pier Park featuring selections of fresh produce, plants, baked goods, fine art, jewelry and more! Open 8 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Rain or shine. 350 A1A Beach Blvd., St. Augustine Beach. 904-347-8007 www.thecivicassociation.com
Navy Band at the River House – The River House will host the Navy TGIF Band for a special free performance at 10 a.m. One of the U.S. Navy’s 13 official bands, TGIF is famous for its New Orleans-style Dixieland renditions. 179 Marine St., St. Augustine. 904-826-6210
Discover First America Program: Fortress of Freedom – The story of Fort Mose, America’s first freed black settlement, is told by scholars, re-enactors and state park officials. Also, Bob Moore, a composer for the St. Augustine Orchestra, performs Someday, which was written by Moore to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act. This program is sponsored by Fort Mose State Park. Held in Lewis Auditorium at Flagler College, admission is free. St. Augustine 450th Commemoration passports with souvenir stampings are complimentary to attendees. 14 Granada Street, St. Augustine. www.Staugustine-450.com
Friday: February 28
Walk on the Wild Side at Anastasia State Park – Join Park Service Volunteer for a hike from 1 – 3 p.m. and observe what life is like on the wild side. The walk starts out on the beautiful shoreline, continues up through the sand dues, and travels along the boardwalk over the salt marsh. After an intermission at the Windsurf Pavilion, continue along Salt Run, our estuarine habitat, and through the maritime hammock. Participants may choose to only walk the first half or the full 2.5 miles round trip. Suggested items to bring are binoculars, comfortable walking shoes, camera, drinking water, bug spray, and sunscreen. The program is included in regular admission of $8 per vehicle. 1340-A State Road A1A South, St. Augustine. 904-461-2033 www.floridastateparks.org/anastasia
Astronomy Program at Washington Oaks Gardens State Park – Experience the magic of the night sky with Park Services Specialist Joe Woodbury at Washington Oaks Gardens State Park. View planets, galaxies, star clusters and other beautiful objects on a clear night. Come prepared for the weather from 7 – 8 p.m. Regular park entrance fee of $5 per vehicle, up to eight people; $4 per vehicle for single occupancy or $2 per person on bicycle applies. 6400 N. Oceanshore Blvd., Palm Coast. 386-446-6783 www.floridastateparks.org/washingtonoaks
Friday – Saturday: February 28 and March 1
World Wide Rodeo at the Fairgrounds – The St. Johns County Fairgrounds hosts the World Wide Rodeo. Starting at 8 p.m., the event includes calf roping, team roping, bull riding chute dogging and barrel racing. Free calf scramble for 10 years and younger. Tickets are $12 adults, $7 ages 6-12, free for children under 5. 5840 State Road 207, Elkton. 904-845-7492
Friday – Sunday: February 28 – March 2
‘Dancing at Lughnasa’ – Flagler College Theatre Arts presents a play set in a small Irish village in 1936 during the festival of Lughnasa (celebrating the pagan god of harvest) at the Lewis Auditorium at Flagler College. Tickets for general admission are $15. Show times are 7:30 p.m. on Fri. & Sat., and at 2 p.m. on Sun., Granada St., St. Augustine. 904-826-8600
29th Annual Cathedral Festival – One of the area’s largest festivals features midway rides, games, bingo, a silent auction, mouthwatering food, beverages, a fireworks show and favorite local bands playing each day. The festival takes place at the Mission of Nombre de Dios, 101 San Marco Avenue from 5 p.m. – 10:30 p.m. on Friday, noon to 10:30 p.m. on Saturday, and noon to 9 p.m. on Sunday. Admission for festival grounds is adults $5; children 11-17 and adults 65+ $3; children under 10 and active duty military are admitted free. Tickets for rides are $1 each (most rides take 4 – 6 tickets). http://thecathedralfestival.com
“Jerusalem” at the IMAX Theater – The documentary film “Jerusalem” opens at The IMAX Theatre at World Golf Hall of Fame. This film explores how this small city became such a pivotal part of human history. Jerusalem is home to some of the most sacred sites in the world for Jews, Christians, and Muslims. This IMAX theater features the largest 3D screen in the Southeast. Adults $13, Seniors/Students/Military $12, and Children 3-12 $10. Visit the website for show times. One World Golf Place, St. Augustine. 904-940-4123 www.worldgolfimax.com
St. Augustine Orchestra Commemorates 50th Anniversary of Civil Rights Act – The St. Augustine Orchestra marks the 50th Anniversary of the signing of the Civil Rights Act with three concerts. Each performance includes Bob Moore’s new composition “Someday” as well as renowned pianist Thomas Pandolfi performing Grieg’s Piano Concerto. The Friday and Saturday performances take place at 8 p.m. at the Lightner Museum, while the Sunday performance is at 3 p.m. at the Ponte Vedra Concert Hall. Moore and Pandolfi will also participate in the orchestra’s fundraiser event scheduled for Saturday at 6:30 p.m. in the Lightner Museum Lobby. Concert tickets for the Friday night and Sunday afternoon performance are $20; Saturday night performance is $50 and includes A Trio of Musical Events. Tickets can be purchased online. 25 Granada St., St. Augustine. http://staugustineorchestra.org/calendarevents-2/
Saturday: March 1
Old City Farmer’s Market – Features locally grown fresh produce, baked goods, plants, and more. Located at the St. Augustine Amphitheatre, Open 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Admission is free. 1340 A1A, St. Augustine. 904-471-3733
GTM Research Reserve Guided Cultural Hike – The first Saturday of each month at 8:30 a.m. features a Guided Cultural Hike that focuses on the Guana Peninsula’s 5,000 years of human history This 1.5 mile guided walking tour departs from the Trailhead Pavilion located just west of the Guana Dam. The programs are free. There is a $3 parking fee. 505 Guana River Rd., Ponte Vedra Beach. 904-823-4500 http://gtmnerr.org

Searle’s Sack of St. Augustine – Authentic re-enactment of Captain Robert Searle’s 1668 attack on St. Augustine. Searle and his privateers sailed from Jamaica to loot the silver ingots held in the royal coffers at St. Augustine. From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., the Raiders will have an encampment set up at the Fountain of Youth Archeological Park (11 Magnolia Ave., St. Augustine). In the evening, re-enactors will attack the city’s Spanish soldiers and colonial citizens. Beginning at the Plaza at 4:30 p.m., townspeople and soldiers will flee up St. George St. to the City’s historic gate at Orange and Cordova Streets where the skirmish continues. 1 King St., St. Augustine. 904-534-6168; www.Searlesbucs.com
First Saturday: Living History Day at Fort Matanzas – From 10:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m., authentically clad re-enactors demonstrate Spanish cannons at this fortress that guarded the southern approach to St. Augustine. Admission is free including the ferry ride to and from Rattlesnake Island. Fort Matanzas National Monument is located at 8635 A1A, approximately 15 miles south of St. Augustine. 904-471-0116 www.nps.gov/foma
Nature Program at Anastasia State Park – Park rangers and volunteers present programs on various topics ranging from sea turtles to star gazing. The program included in regular admission of $8 per vehicle. 1340 A1A, St. Augustine. 904-461-2035 www.floridastateparks.org/anastasia
Vilano Beach Sunset Celebration – A celebration of a spectacular sunset across the bay featuring dozens of market vendors, live music, local arts and crafts and more at the Vilano Pier on the Intracoastal Waterway. Activities are from 2 p.m. – dusk. Admission is free. 260 Vilano Rd., St. Augustine. 904-540-0402 www.vilanobeachfl.com
Treasure Hunt and Sea Battle Adventure – Sail aboard The Black Raven pirate ship to the Sunset Celebration on Vilano Beach. A treasure chest has been buried somewhere on the beach and the ship’s crew will embark on a quest to find this buried booty. Kids will get their own treasure map, a shovel and set out on their own search for this fortune. When the chest is found, it will be brought on board the ship and opened during the return trip to home dock. The booty will be shared among the kids. The treasure hunt voyage launches from the St. Augustine City Marina at 2:25 p.m. and departs Vilano at 4:30 p.m. for the trip home. Tickets are $34.95 for adults and $24.95 for children. Plus, while the treasure hunt is underway, The Black Raven will depart Vilano at 3:15 p.m. for a seagoing showdown with the infamous Queen Anne’s Revenge. The battle ends at 4:15 p.m. with the pirate ship’s return to Vilano. Tickets to sail into battle are $15.95 adults; $12.95 children. Reservations recommended for both seagoing adventure. 111 Avenida Menendez, St. Augustine. 904-826-0000 www.blackravenadventures.com
Pirate Plunder Tour – St. Augustine City Walks presents a one-hour tour featuring the town’s most famous pirate lore. Kidnapped by a well-known pirate captain, tour participants will find out what it was like to live in 17th century St. Augustine – complete with the threat of pirate raids. This fun, free tour departs at 4:30 p.m. from the Tour St. Augustine office, 4 Granada St., St. Augustine. Reservations required. 904-825-0087 www.StAugustineCityWalks.com
Night Fest at the St. Augustine Lighthouse & Museum – Celebrate 140 years of light at the St. Augustine Lighthouse & Museum’s annual Night Fest. In partnership with the Junior Service League’s Lighthouse 5k Run, this special event is a great night of fun for the whole family. Admission to the lighthouse is free from 4 p.m. – 9 p.m. Explore the light station grounds, climb the 165 ft. tall lighthouse tower and discover maritime history inside the Victorian-era keepers’ house. Kids will love the face painting, temporary tattoos and other free activities. Snacks, sodas and beer will also be available for purchase in the lighthouse courtyard. Come out for the race and stay for the celebration. 81 Lighthouse Ave., St. Augustine, 904-829-0745 www.StAugustineLighthouse.org
Iron & Wine Concert – Indie-folk singer Iron & Wine (Samuel Beam) performs at 8 p.m. at the Ponte Vedra Concert Hall in Ponte Vedra Beach. Touring and recording since 2002, his fifth album, Ghost on Ghost was released in 2013. Tickets for this standing-room only show are $30 in advance;$35 at the door. 1050 A1A North, Ponte Vedra Beach. 904-209-0399 www.pvconcerthall.com
Saturday & Sunday: March 1 & 2
“Prisms” Exhibit – Lost Art Gallery features the work of Argentinian artist Raul Torres-Rojas. Unmistakable in style, Rojas sees the world as if through a “prism” in his paintings of figures, birds, flowers and boating scenes. 210 St. George Street, St. Augustine, 904-827-9800 www.lostartgallery.com
Gerald Branch Exhibition -Gerald Branch is an accomplished African American artist who works in mixed media to chronicle his experiences as a black man in America. He draws on history and presents historical and emotional works of art that provoke intense involvement. Highly collectible, this artist uses his amazing skills to look more deeply into our past. The artist will be giving an informative talk Feb. 9, at 2 pm. describing his paintings and what they mean. Admission is free. Open daily 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. Butterfield Garage Art Gallery, 137 King St., St. Augustine. 904-825-4577 http://www.butterfieldgarage.com
Sunday: March 2
St. Augustine Vintage Car Tour of Mission Nombre de Dios – Travel in style aboard an electric, vintage-style automobile to the peaceful, historic grounds where the first parish Mass in what is now the United States was celebrated in 1565. The tour includes a visit to the museum, shrine, and gift shop. Tour departs at 1 p.m. on the first Sunday of the month. The cost is $25 per person. Reservation required. 21 Orange St., St. Augustine. 904-430-3542 www.staugustinevintagecartours.com
Local Resident Specials |
NOTE: St. Johns County residents with a valid ID are always admitted free of charge to the Oldest House, the Lightner Museum, the Ximenez-Fatio House, the Oldest Wooden Schoolhouse, City Walks History Mystery Murder Evening Tour, Journey: 450 Years of the African-American Experience Exhibit, and the Hotel Ponce de Leon Legacy Tours at Flagler College. The daily tours and wine tastings at the San Sebastian Winery are free to everyone. Also, admission is free to everyone at the Fort Matanzas National Monument, St. Photios Chapel, the Pena-Peck House, the Father Miguel O’Reilly Museum and the Mission Nombre de Dios Museum (donations are welcomed). Many other local attractions offer discounted admissions to St. Johns County residents with valid ID. |