Tuesday – Sunday : January 28 – February 2 |
“We the People” at the IMAX Theater – The Documentary Film “We the People” opens at The IMAX Theater at World Golf Hall of Fame. This is a story of America’s founding documents and the people who wrote, shaped and tested them. The magnificent buildings, monuments and memorials of Washington DC, archival imagery from America’s great museums and dramatic reenactments of key events come alive through the immortal words of Washington, Madison, Jefferson, Lincoln. and Martin Luther King Jr. This IMAX theater features the largest 3-D screen in the Southeast. Adults $13, Seniors/Students/Military $12, and Children 3-12 $10. Visit the website for show times. One World Golf Place, St. Augustine. 904-940-4123 www.worldgolfimax.com
Nights of Lights – Selected by National Geographic Traveler in 2011 and 2012 as one of the ten best holiday lighting displays in the world, St. Augustine’s Nights of Lights feature millions of tiny white lights that create a magical atmosphere in the Nation’s oldest city through February 2. Tracing its origins to the Spanish tradition of displaying a white candle in the window during the Christmas holidays, the spectacular lighting reflects the city’s 449-year history and illuminates the beautiful setting for lasting holiday memories. www.NightsofLights.com

Historic Spanish Ships in St. Augustine – Full-sized replicas of 16th century Spanish ships are open for tours at the St. Augustine Municipal Marina. The Nao Victoria is a replica of the first ship to sail around the world. In 1522, it was the only member of Ferdinand Magellan’s five-ship fleet to complete the first circumnavigation of the globe. El Galeón, the larger of the two ships is an exact replica of the famous galleons that played such an important role in the creation and maintenance of the Spanish Empire. It is similar to the galleon that brought Pedro Menendez to Florida where he founded St. Augustine in 1565. The Nao Victoria will be in port through February 8. Through July 15, El Galeón will be docked at the marina. The ships are available for tours beginning at 10 a.m. daily. Admission to the Nao Victoria is $10 for adults; $5 for youth. Admission to El Galeón is $15 for adults; $8 for youth, for both ships, admission is $20 for adults; $10 for youth. 111 Avenida Menendez 904-824-1606 www.staugustine-450.com
Journey: 450 Years of the African-American Experience
Journey: 450 Years of the African American Experience covers the long and storied history of African-Americans in St. Augustine. The story of African-Americans begins in St. Augustine with the first Africans both free and slave among founding colonists in 1565. The exhibition is designed for cultural and heritage visitors interested in the full history of America and its beginnings and comprises four themes: Genesis of the African-American Experience; Fortress of Freedom; Breaking the Chains; and Crossroads of Change. Tickets are $5 for adults; $4 for seniors; $3 for youth 7-12; under 7 free. Free admission for military in uniform. Located at the St. Augustine Visitors Information Center, 10 West Castillo Dr., St. Augustine. www.Journey2014.com
“Little Picture Show” Exhibit – Through January 31, Lost Art Gallery presents an exhibition of art from classical to contemporary, featuring small and affordable works in a variety of mediums including oil on canvas, oil on copper, etchings and watercolors by European and regional artists. 210 St. George St., St. Augustine. 904-827-9800 www.lostartgallery.com
For a complete list of eco/kayak, food, and history tours and other events taking place on Florida’s Historic Coast this week, visit Florida’s Historic Coast Events.
Tuesday – Thursday: January 28 – 30
‘Playbook’ Art Exhibit at space:eight Gallery – Throug
h January 30th, space:eight will host ‘Playbook,’ an exhibition of new works by Roswell, GA, artist George Long and Brooklyn artist Mario Schambon. The new series of works is pulled and pushed from a very diverse set of feelings and adventures fueled by desires, hunger and thirst. space:eight Gallery is open Monday – Thursday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. After hours by appointment. 228 West King St., St. Augustine. 904-829-2838
Tuesday – Saturday: January 28 – February 1
“The Object Tells a Story: African-American Folk Art from Florida” – The Crisp-Ellert Art Museum new exhibition “The Object Tells a Story: African American Folk Art from Florida” brings together a selection of works by four well-know African-American vernacular artists from Florida: Alynne Harris, Mary Proctor, Ruby C. Williams and Purvis Young. Interspersed throughout the exhibition will be objects lent by members of St. Augustine’s African American community, including paintings, quilts, dolls and ceramics, along with artwork created by students from Ketterlinus and Osceola Elementary Schools during recent workshops with Ruby C. Williams at Fort Mose Historical State Park. The Museum is open Monday – Friday from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. and Saturdays from 12 – 4 p.m. 48 Sevilla St., St. Augustine. 904-826-8530 http://readme.readmedia.com/Crisp-Ellert-Art-Museum-presents-The-Object-Tells-a-Story-African-American-Folk-Art-from-Florida/7557493
Tuesday – Sunday: January 27 – February 2
Portrait & Figure Show – The St. Augustine Art Association hosts a juried exhibition of expressions of the human face and form lending personality to a variety of styles and media. The gallery is open Tuesday – Saturday noon – 4 p.m. and Sunday 2 – 5 p.m. Admission is free. 22 Marine St. St. Augustine. 904-824-2310 www.staaa.org
Wednesday: January 29
Farmer’s Arts and Crafts Market – Farmers’ Market located at the ocean-side St. Johns County Pier Park featuring selections of fresh produce, plants, baked goods, fine art, jewelry and more! Open 8 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Rain or shine. 350 A1A Beach Blvd., St. Augustine Beach. 904-347-800y www.thecivicassociation.com
A Coquina Rock Beach Walk – From noon to 1:30 p.m., explore the second largest outcropping of coquina rock on the Atlantic Coast with a park volunteer at Washington Oaks Gardens State Park. Learn about coquina and discover the inhabitants of the rock, its geological makeup and gain a better understanding of the beach ecosystem. Regular park entrance fee of $5 per vehicle, up to eight people; $4 per vehicle for single occupancy or $2 per person on bicycle applies. 6400 North Oceanshore Blvd., Palm Coast. 386-446-6780 www.floridastateparks.org/washingtonoaks
Thursday – Sunday: January 30 – February 2
Limelight Theatre Presents “Butterflies are Free” – This classic comedy features a blind man who moves to San Francisco to escape his over-protective mother and soon meets a zany neighbor who teaches him things he would have never learned from Mom. Performance times are 7:30 p.m. Thursday – Saturday and 2 p.m. on Sunday. Tickets are $25 adults; $22 seniors; $20 student and military. 11 Old Mission Ave., St. Augustine. 904-825-1164 www.limelight-theatre.org
Saturday: February 1
Old City Farmer’s Market – Features locally grown fresh produce, baked goods, plants and more. Located
at the St. Augustine Amphitheatre, Open 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Admission is free. 1340 A1A, St. Augustine. 904-471-3733
GTM Research Reserve Guided Cultural Hike – The first Saturday of each month at 8:30 a.m. features a Guided Cultural Hike that focuses on the Guana Peninsula’s 5,000 years of human history This 1.5 mile guided walking tour departs from the Trailhead Pavilion located just west of the Guana Dam. The programs are free. There is a $3 parking fee. 505 Guana River Rd., Ponte Vedra Beach. 904-823-4500 http://gtmnerr.org
School of the 16th Century – From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., The Fountain of Youth Archaeological Park steps back to the 16th century with related displays, demonstrations, training drills and interpretations. See weapons and cooking demonstrations and camp life. Regular park admission of $12 Adults, $11 seniors, $8 Children 6 – 12 applies (local discount available). 11 Magnolia Ave., St. Augustine. 904-829-3168 www.fountainofyouthflorida.com
Living History Day at Fort Matanzas – From 10:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m., authentically-clad re-enactors demonstrate Spanish cannons at this fortress that guarded the southern approach to St. Augustine. Admission is free including the ferry ride to and from Rattlesnake Island. Fort Matanzas National Monument is located at 8635 A1A, approximately 15 miles south of St. Augustine. 904-471-0116 www.nps.gov/foma
Nature Program at Anastasia State Park – Park rangers and volunteers present programs on various topics ranging from sea turtles to star gazing. The program is included in regular admission of $8 per vehicle. Times vary. 1340 A1A, St. Augustine. 904-461-2035 www.floridastateparks.org/anastasia
Vilano Beach Sunset Celebration – A celebration of a spectacular sunset across the bay featuring dozens of market vendors, live music, local arts and crafts and more at the Vilano Pier on the Intracoastal Waterway. Activities are from 2 p.m. – dusk. Admission is free. 260 Vilano Rd., St. Augustine. 904-540-0402 www.vilanobeachfl.com
Sunday: February 2
Royal Family Transfer of Office – Colorful transfer of royal duties from the 2013 Royal Family to the 2014 Royal Family composed of heritage residents representing Queen Marianna, King Carlos II and Princess Margarita Maria – the Spanish Royal Family of 1672, the year in which work began on the Castillo de San Marcos. The event begins at 2 p.m. at the Isabella Gardens located at the corner of Hypolita and St. George St. in St. Augustine. 904-829-2333
Plaza Stroll Historic Walking Tour – St. Augustine City Walks presents a one-hour, free guided walking tour of the beautiful monuments in the city’s historic Plaza de la Constitucion. It’s the perfect way to learn about all of the cultural influences that have left their mark here, including explorers, entrepreneurs and famous personalities. The free tour departs at 4 p.m. from the Tour St. Augustine office. Reservations Required. 4 Granada St. 904-825-0087 www.StAugustineCityWalks.com
Love Letters at The Raintree Restaurant – A smash hit on and off Broadway, Love Letters tells the story of the bittersweet relationship between a staid lawyer and a lively, unstable artist. Tickets to this exciting dinner theatre experience in the upstairs dining room of the Raintree Restaurant are $39.95 (adult beverages served separately). Dinner is served at 6 p.m. (5:30 p.m. arrival suggested) and the show begins at 7 p.m. 102 San Marco Ave., St. Augustine. 904-824-7211 www.raintreerestaurant.com